
Bitzer Compressor Oil Pump

Oil Pump

Here is the Bitzer compressor oil pump, mainly used for the Bitzer semi-hermetic series compressors. We are a manufacturer of compressor oil pumps with many years of production experience and can provide a variety of oil pump accessories fully compatible with different models of Bitzer compressors.

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Differences Between Bitzer Compressor Oil Pumps and Aftermarket Alternatives

We need to have a clear understanding of the differences between the original Bitzer compressor oil pump and the replacement oil pump. This will greatly assist you in repairing Bitzer compressors and help you make better decisions when choosing oil pump parts.

Bitzer compressor oil pump

Quality and Reliability

OEM: Bitzer OEM oil pumps are specifically designed for Bitzer compressors, ensuring they fully meet the compressor’s required specifications and quality standards.

Aftermarket: The quality and specifications of aftermarket Bitzer compressor oil pumps vary, as they are offered by different manufacturers. Therefore, when choosing an aftermarket oil pump, it’s essential to thoroughly evaluate it to ensure the pump’s quality.

We are a long history and professional oil pump manufacturer, can provide aftermarket Bitzer oil pumps, Carrier oil pumps, Carlyle oil pumps, Copeland oil pumps.

Oil pump


OEM: Since original Bitzer compressor oil pump are designed specifically for Bitzer compressors, they ensure perfect compatibility and performance, while minimizing the risk of installation and performance issues.

Aftermarket: While most aftermarket Bitzer oil pumps produced by manufacturers are compatible with Bitzer compressors, there are unavoidable potential risks. It is especially important to confirm that the aftermarket oil pump matches the dimensions of the original part.

We have professional and responsible oil pump technical engineers who strictly control the design dimensions and product quality according to the drawings.

Part No. 362500-01 Oil Pump for BitzerCompressor 4G, 4H, 4F, 6G, 6H, 6F, 8GC

Warranty and Support

OEM: Original Bitzer compressor oil pumps typically come with the manufacturer’s warranty and are supported by Bitzer or its authorized distributors, offering better after-sales service in case of any issues.

Aftermarket: The warranty for aftermarket Bitzer oil pumps can vary depending on the supplier. Some may offer comprehensive warranty coverage, while others may provide limited warranties or none at all.

We offer comprehensive warranties of Bitzer compressor oil pump for all our clients.

Bitzer Oil Pump Assembly


OEM: OEM Bitzer compressor oil pumps are usually more expensive due to the authenticity of the brand, quality assurance, and the cost of maintaining brand standards.

Aftermarket: Aftermarket Bitzer oil pumps are much cheaper and can be very appealing. If the budget for repair and replacement parts is limited, considering an alternative may be a good option.

Our aftermarket oil pumps for Bitzer compressor are really with competitive price and high quality. Can help your company save more cost and make more profit.

oil pump for Bitzer refrigeration compressor 4NC-20.2 4NC-12.2 4PC-15.2 4PC-10.2 4TC-12.2 4TC-8.2 4VC-10.2 4VC-6.2-40P


OEM: The OEM Bitzer oil pump may only be available through authorized dealers or directly from the Bitzer factory, which can result in longer delivery times or increased shipping costs, especially when parts need to be imported.

Aftermarket: Aftermarket Bitzer compressor oil pumps are generally easier to purchase online or from local stores, which can indeed save time.

Oil pump

Performance and Efficiency

OEM: The OEM Bitzer oil pump is designed with a higher compatibility for Bitzer compressors, ensuring the compressor system operates at optimal efficiency.

Aftermarket: The performance of aftermarket Bitzer compressor oil pumps can vary. Some pumps may meet the requirements and performance of Bitzer compressors, while others may fall short, potentially affecting the overall performance of the compressor.

Bitzer oil pump

Longevity and Durability

OEM: OEM Bitzer compressor oil pumps are typically long-lasting, with materials and manufacturing processes that meet the original design specifications.

Aftermarket: The lifespan of aftermarket alternative Bitzer compressor oil pumps is harder to predict. Some may last as long as the original, while others may wear out quickly, leading to more frequent replacements.

Functions of the Bitzer Compressor Oil Pump


The main function of Bitzer compressor oil pumps is to supply lubricating oil to the internal moving parts of the compressor (such as bearings, pistons, and crankshafts), reducing friction and wear.


The Bitzer compressor oil pump helps absorb and dissipate heat by circulating oil, preventing the internal compressor components from overheating and maintaining the optimal operating temperature.


Lubricating oil forms a seal between the piston and cylinder, preventing refrigerant leaks and improving compression efficiency.


Circulating oil passes through filters to remove contaminants and impurities, ensuring that clean oil reaches critical components and extends the compressor’s lifespan.

Bitzer oil pump

Usage Considerations of Bitzer Compressor Oil Pump

Oil Quality

Always use the type and grade of oil recommended by Bitzer. Using incorrect or poor-quality oil can lead to inadequate lubrication and potential compressor damage.

Oil Level Check

Regularly check the correct oil level in the Bitzer compressor oil pump. A low oil level can cause insufficient lubrication and overheating, while overfilling can lead to foaming and reduced efficiency.

Oil Filter Maintenance

Regularly replace the oil filter to prevent contaminants from entering the system. A clogged filter can restrict oil flow and damage the oil pump.


System Cleanliness

Before adding lubrication oil, ensure that the compressor and Bitzer oil pump oil system are clean. Contaminants can quickly degrade the performance and lubricating effectiveness of the oil.

Operating Temperature

Monitor the operating temperature of the compressor. Overheating can cause the lubricant to deteriorate, reducing its effectiveness and increasing wear and potential failures.

Regular Inspections

Regularly check the Bitzer compressor oil pump and related components for signs of wear, leaks, or damage. Early detection of issues can prevent more severe problems and costly repairs.

Startup Procedure

Follow the correct start-up procedure to ensure the oil pump is properly filled and operating normally. This is especially important after maintenance or extended downtime.

By following these usage guidelines, you can ensure the efficient operation of the Bitzer compressor oil pump, provide reliable lubrication, and contribute to the compressor’s long-term performance and lifespan.

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